
Ξενοδοχειακό marketing (4)

Είμαστε σε θέση να αναπτύξουμε για λογαριασμό σας on the spot & a la carte ένα Mini Marketing Plan. Kαλέστε στο +30 6973 921 194 τον κ. Χρ.Ρουμελιώτη. : Μία κρίσιμη περίοδος θέλει και μια κρίσιμη αφήγηση… ένα νέο story. Παράδειγμα ξενοδοχείου της Αθήνας !Στη καρδιά της Αθήνας! ο,τι χρειάζεστε για την είσοδό σας και την πιό επαγγελματική παραμονή σας. Το ξενοδοχείο μας....(Μοντέρνο, άνετο, φιλόξενο, με Parking, με στιλάτους χώρους…)
Α. Η συνταγή της επιτυχίας μας: … Β. Οι αρχές μας : 1. Παράδοση ... 2. Εκσυγχρονισμός ... 3. Αμεσότητα ... 4. Πρωτοτυπία ...5. Σεβασμός ... 6. Ειλικρίνεια, εμπιστοσύνη… Γ.Οι αξίες μας : 1. Πάθος για τον πελάτη ... 2. Value for money ...3. Πρωτοπορία στην εξυπηρέτηση ... Δ. Εμπιστευτείτε μας στην πόλη…Ε. Μοιραστείτε μαζί μας τη χαρά της φιλοξενίας και τον ενθουσιασμό των συνεργατών μας...ΣΤ. Αναζητούμε απαιτητικούς πελάτες… ☺Μετά από την τελευταία ανακαίνιση οι πελάτες μας έφθασαν τους .... ☺Θα θέλαμε να σας συστηθούμε…☺Χώροι υποδοχής… ☺Δωμάτια…☺Χώροι διασκέδασης και χαλάρωσης…☺Χώροι εστίασης …☺Γειτνιάζοντες με ενδιαφέρον τόποι…☺Οι δικές μας υπηρεσίες σας λύνουν τα χέρια….☺Το τμήμα της Υποδοχής είναι ένας πολυσύνθετος ευέλικτος μηχανισμός που κύριο στόχο έχει να….. ☺Το Τμήμα του εστιατορίου μπάρ….☺Το τμήμα των Ορόφων-δωματίων….☺Τι να περιμένετε ακόμη και τους δύσκολους καιρούς …. ☺Η σχέσης σας με τους ανθρώπους του χώρου μας…☺Συμβουλευτείτε έναν από μας….☺Είμαστε πρωτοπόροι, στη γεύση, στη καθαριότητα, στο νοικοκυριό στο νεωτερισμό… και η ικανοποίηση στα ύψη !☺Ποιοι σας φροντίζουν, μια ματιά στους ορατούς και αόρατους σιωπηρούς εξυπηρετητές σας !☺Το κέρδος μας είναι το κέρδος το δικό σας, οι προκλήσεις το μέλλον μας !☺Εσείς είστε το πολυτιμότερο κεφάλαιό μας ! ΧΡ/20/10/2011 Τηλ. +30 6973 021 194

Σεμινάριο ξενοδοχειακού marketing (3)

Είμαστε σε θέση να αναπτύξουμε για λογαριασμό σας on the spot & a la carte ένα Mini Marketing Plan. Kαλέστε στο +30 6973 921 194 τον κ. Χρ.Ρουμελιώτη. Υπόθεση : Βρισκόμαστε στη φάση ανάγκης ενίσχυσης των πωλήσεων κατά την χαμηλή περίοδο και γενικότερα ενός σχεδίου ανάπτυξης και προβληματισμού για μια συνέχεια και σταθερότητα των επαφών με τον επιχειρηματικό και άλλο κόσμο της αγοράς προκειμένου να κερδηθούν νέοι πελάτες αλλά και να δημιουργηθεί ένα ισχυρότερο loyalty με τους υπάρχοντες… Γιαυτό το λόγο ασφαλώς πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθούν παλιά και νέα εργαλεία του Marketing….
Μια κρίσιμη περίοδος θέλει και μια κρίσιμη αφήγηση…
Α. Υπάρχει το προϊόν/υπηρεσίες / Πολιτική Διάθεσης του προϊόντος στις αγορές
1. Μεγαλύτερη κατανάλωση
2. απόσπαση αγοράς από τον ανταγωνισμό
3. νέους χρήστες / πελάτες
Β. Υπάρχει το προϊόν / υπηρεσίες / Πολιτική Επέκτασης του προϊόντος σε νέες αγορές
1. Γεωγραφικώς
2. Νέα τμήματα της αγοράς
3. Διάθεση από νέα κανάλια
Γ. Νέα προϊόντα / Υπηρεσίες / Πολιτική Διάθεσης στις υπάρχουσες αγορές
1. Βελτίωση και διαφοροποίηση των προϊόντων
2. Νέες ποικιλίες και μεγέθη
3. Οικονομικώτερη «συσκευασία» πακέτα…
Δ. Νέα προϊόντα υπηρεσίες / Πολιτική Διάθεσης σε νέες αγορές
1. Ομόκεντρη διαφοροποίηση
2. οριζόντια διαφοροποίηση
3. Πολυεπίπεδη διαφοροποίηση…
E. Τα 4 P Marketing :
1. Product 2. Price 3. Place 4. Promotion
ΣΤ. Τα 4 C του Marketing:
1. Customer value 2. Cost to the customer 3. Convenience 4. Communication
Ζ. Μέθοδοι προσέγγισης των πελατών…
Με την νέα αφήγηση δηλαδή την δημιουργία σχέσης εμπιστοσύνης, την υποβολή ερωτημάτων, την παρουσίαση του κατάλληλου προϊόντος, και τέλος την πώλησης του προϊόντος.
Αναλογία δαπάνης : 40/30/20/10
Η. Μίγμα Αγοράς:
1. Μηχανές αναζήτησης / e-marketing
2. Πρακτορεία
3. Door to Door
4. 1 to 1
5. Ad wards Ad sense
6. Ενδιάμεσοι
Θ. Προγραμματισμός
1.Δαπάνες πωλήσεων
2.Προϋπολογισμός παρακολούθηση
3.Σχεδιασμός επισκέψεων
4.Στόχοι πωλήσεων
SMART : Συγκεκριμένοι μετρήσιμοι πραγματοποιήσιμοι, ρεαλιστικοί, σωστά χρονισμένοι.
Ι. Παροχή έξυπνων άμεσων ή έμμεσων κινήτρων, έξυπνες μορφές προωθητικών ενεργειών.
1. Μείωση τιμής διανυκτέρευσης
2. Περισσότερη ποσότητα
3. Παροχή δώρων
4. Πακέτα πολλαπλής συσκευασίας
5. Κουπόνια
6. Πόντους, επιβράβευση
7. Κλειστές προσκλήσεις…

Σεμινάριο ξενοδοχειακού marketing (2) business plan

Table No 1

The creation of a business plan has often been seen as a long and arduous task, often using information that seems to be of little value to the business operator. Now, you as the business operator have the chance to create a plan that should be of more value to you and can form the basis for a full business plan later on if required. The value of a business plan is to evaluate where you are currently at and to show where you want to be in a given time, goals. The suggested first step is to evaluate where you are at now (go straight to the Planning Evaluation Points section), however for some they might want to just jump in and do the plan, if so GO AHEAD! Either way doing a plan can give you great insights into where you are heading (if you don’t know where you are heading, how will you know when you get there?) If you find some of the points, headings or descriptions a challenge, skip them and come back, it might make more sense later on! Feel free to use this template and fill in the blanks on your computer. The more things you find to add in the more depth you can create. So jump in. take a look at all the info and then build your plan from there.

(Table 1) 

Create a brief Action Plan for each goal focussing on: 

Who… Can assist you to bring the goal to reality? (Accountant – coach – other professional or support person) - If it’s a marketing goal you can jot down your target market, your ideal client or customer.
How… Much will it cost? – How will it be funded - Specifically will you do to make the goal a reality? – For marketing you can state what media you want to focus on.
Why… Do it, will it give you some form of measurable advantage?
What… Is it that you are aiming to achieve by doing this goal? Will actually be done in practical terms to make the goal a reality?
Where… If locality is an issue, e.g. marketing in a newspaper that has a specific geographic area.
When… Will it be done by? – When will it be started?

Planning Calendar

Create a calendar and mark in the dates things need to be done by, you can number and colour code the various activities so that you can see the different activities being worked on and correct any clashes (too many activities that overlap in any month which may create a bottle neck). The numbered activities (goals) will mean you do not take up too much room writing all over the calendar. A suggestion is to make the calendar a large wall planer so you can see it all the time and be ready to take action to plan for things that are due to happen soon.

Table No 2

(Table 2)

Review – Alter - Act

Having created this plan you may have put in things, which are unable to be done due to limited funds, resources and time factors. Therefore you may need to alter the cash flow outline, or prioritise the action points so that the most important ones get done first, Then if your cashflow is greater than the initial projections you can include them in the plan.

As the heading says, review the plan, alter it to suit then act on those changes. In time you will be able to know where your business is at a glance and know what the next step to take is in a blink!
Planning Evaluation Points.
To create the mini business plan (or any plan for that matter) it is advisable to evaluate what things are currently happening and then identify what is working and what needs to be worked on.

What is currently working in the business?

• Get more customers
• Build or maintain service levels
• Build profits
• Build turnover

Table No 3

(Table 3)

Planning Evaluation Points (cont).

What is currently NOT working in the business?
• Get repeat customers
• Build or maintain service levels
• To build profits
• To build turnover

Table No 4

(Table No 4)

Planning Evaluation Points (cont). 
Customer Focus

In business without customers you do not have a business. Therefore there should be a focus on them so that you can be sure your activities take into account their needs. In the ideal business you should be focussing on your IDEAL customers. Over time you should be able to develop a clear profile of the ideal customer so you can ensure your marketing efforts are effectively enticing these people to take notice of your business and what it can offer them.

1. What products and or services do we offer?
2. What benefits do we offer the customers?
3. Customers love us because?
4. Customers hate us because?

Our competitors

Who are our competitors? Make a list of as many as you can that you KNOW are in direct competition with you.
What do they do that you currently do not do? In other words how are they different from you?

SWOT Analysis

To fully evaluate your business it is important to know its:


Do this for each area of your business Marketing – Operational – Management areas. Expand and work with this list over time adding and altering it to suit.
Are we innovating? If so how?
Are we excited about the business as it is now? What currently causes this excitement?

Σεμινάριο ξενοδοχειακού marketing (1)

Βλέπε και ειδικό άρθρο με συνεντεύξεις στελεχών επιχ/ξενοδο/αεροδρομ/κλπ
Re-intermadiation / Dis-intermadiation / Counter-mediation / Conflicts / DMOs
The new tourist:
  • Increase of individual trips
  • More and shorter trips
  • Dynamic packaging and personalization
  • Late bookings
  • More information, higher expectations
  • Less loyal, more mobile, price sensitive
>> B2B : extranets between hospitality and tour operators
>> B2C : consumers purchase tickets and packages
>> C2C : Consumers exchange views and experiences (trip advisor.com, booking.com)
·         Direct – personalizes – access to potential customers (internet, TV, mobile
·         Cut marketing and sales & improve presentation
·         Optimize supply and demand
·         Expand operations (geographically and in scope)
Threats for hotels
·         Loss of control in room allotment and pricing
·         Loss of control in distribution cost
·         Problems in system integration
·         Increased price competition
Threats for agents
·         Decreased commissions
·         Decreased prices (less revenue)
·         Changing tourist
·         Information through the internet
·         Loyalty programs by DMOs
·         Disintermediation & Re-intermediation
Questions in an internet world : Hotel and Agents:
·         Do they know the internet tourist and his needs?
·         Do they offer him added value?
·         Do they cooperate with other members who offer complementary products?
Actions for hotels
·         Go for the world (presentation (24X7)
·         Differentiate (niche market)
·         Add value (offers, dynamic packaging and on line services)
·         Co-operate
·         Advertise, Advertise, Advertise
Actions for Agents
·         Decrease costs
·         Invest in the internet (ads, services)
·         Specialise and personalize (type of customer, location, type of vacation)
·         Create new products (dynamic packaging)
·         Co-operate
Process enhancement
·         Information at fingers
·         No time pressure
·         More Bargain opportunities
·         1to1 marketing
·         Tailor made site to customers’ needs
·         Sizeable advertising budgets
·         Creative advertizing both in and out of the internet
Partner, not seller
·         Affiliate programmes
·         Loyalty schemes
·         Relevant text
·         Good navigation
·         Easy to use search facilities
·         Good design
Understand your customer and the services you offer
·         Conduct consumer research
·         Market / consumer segmentation
·         Geographic (where to go)
·         Demographic (who I am)
·         Lifestyle (what I expect from the trip)
·         Reason for traveling
·         Advertising Advertising Advertising
The future
·         Consumer individualization
·         Travel agencies under preasure : Presence, variety, consulting
·         Hotels : find where the customers comes from (or who you want) and how much it cost you.
·         DMOs are the growing players
  1. e-product
·         Parts of the product become dizital
·         New products created, customer creates its own product
·         Bunding (DMO)
·         Content content content
·         Navigation www.franceguide.com
·         Service + bundling
·         Interaction
·         Personalization
·         Image building
·         Trust (price level, transactions)
·         Segmentation : people like you in www.visitlondon.com
·         Segmentation and personalization www.visitbritain.com
·         Services : plan your trip in www.spain.info
·         Special : www.discovergermanybybike.com
·         Customer survey in www.yellowstonepark.com
Ensure a quick download
Beware cutting edge technology
Keep it calm
Limit your frames
Make it simple
Stay um-to-date
Keep scrolling short
Provide a site map
  1. e-price
·         Transparency increases
·         Commoditization increases
·         Downward pressure of pricing
·         New approaches
·         Auctions
·         Aggregate buying (www.accompany.com)
·          Dynamic pricing
·         Name your price model (www.pricelime.com)
·         Straight sell (old approach)
  1. e-place
·         Disintermadiation
·         Re-intermediation (electronic agents) DMOs Expedia etc
·         Counter-mediation (agents going on line)
·         Conflicts
·         DMOs
·         New POSs
·         Destinations : www.tiscover.atwww.holland.com
·         Switch companies : www.utell.com
·         T.A.s : www.expedia.com, www.travelocity.com
·         Last minute bookings : www.lustminute.com
·         Disintermadiation
·         Portals : www.yahoo.com
·         Vortals : www.tennis.com
·         Auction sites : www.ebay.com
·         Media : CNN www.cnnpartners.com), www.traveltelegraph.co.uk
  1. e-promotion
·         Costs down
·         Flexibility (brochures, messages)
·         Multimedia presentation
·         Targeting, frequency, geography, time, operating system, screen, browser, keywords)
·         Actionnability
·         Choise of sites / e-mail list
  • Use of Media
  • Letters
  • Useful objects
  • Word of mouth
  • Stationery – Brochures, CD

  • E-mail promotion
  • Link exchange
  • Viral promotion (games, contests, articles, newsletters)
  • Sales promotion (gifts, discounts and points)
  • E-advertising (web sites, search engines, (SEO organic and sponsored search)
  • Social Marketing sites and blogs
  • Earth sites & maps
  • Mobile promotion

  1. e-people
·         Puch to talk by www.estara.com
·         Autoreponders
·         Alerts and notifications
·         Call back facilities
·         FAQ
·         On site search engines
  1. e-processes
·         E-front office: reservations
·         Check-ins payments
·         Communication with consumers and partners
·         Consumer service
·         Dynamic packaging
  1. e-physical environment
·         Virtual environment and e-tours closer than ever to potential buyer
·         Use technology by guests in the hotel a as differential advantage
·         www.engadincard.ch
Overall Marketing Strategy
·         Website re-design
·         eCRM (loyalty, retention)
·         Strategic linking
·         E-mail marketing
·         SEO (search engine optimation)
·         Blogs
·         Social marketing
·         De-commoditization = unique value proposition
·         Direct internet distribution proposition
Direct distribution channels
  • (determine touch points to drive consumers to your site and book there. Loyalty programs and price guarantees, offer air, car, packages)
  • Hotel website
  • Destination portals
  • Search Engines (that is www.msn.com )
  • Hotel directories and Portals
  • Email marketing

Indirect distribution channels
  1. Merchand Model www.hotel.com
  2. Opacque Model www.priceline.com
  3. Retail Model www.expedia.com

E-mail Communication plan.
·         Objectives: (Create, remind need, give and get info, build image, sell and serve)
·         Content: Your products, news, complementary products, general information)
·         Subject: Show benefit. Try hard selling but not often. Newness & originality always attracts

Email marketing
3.       http://www.xmlswf.com/ (προσοχή αυτό έχει ωραίες προβολές slides δεν ξέρω αν είναι δωρεάν) (αμερικάνικο)



  • Social Networking (create your profile, group, professional page, advertise)
  • Evaluation sites : Create a traveler’s profile, get information from competitors, do not mislead, advertise)
  • Picture sites
  • Podcasting
  • Video sites
  • Info sites (advice, promotion, sales promotion, pr) : group content, create common interest groups vote for best content, get notifications for content, make comments.
  • Blogs

  • Wikis

Social Media Marketing for Small Medium Enterprises


Organise your account for better results!

http://www.avafx.com / (οικονομικοκερδοσκοπικό site)
Make your own slide show