
Συμβουλευτικές πωλήσεις - Suggestive Selling (13)

People don't like to be "SOLD." Effective suggestive selling is subtle. You are doing the guest a favor, looking after his best interests by offering your knowledge and expertise and making honest
recommendations. Many of our guests are not familiar with our daily specials. As their intermediary, you are in the position to smooth the way for a confused guest. Above all, be sincere and honest. Always do what you truly believe is in the "guest's" best interest. Recommend items you know are
superior and you are certain they will enjoy.

NEVER OVER SELL! Always allow the guest to finish ordering before you start suggesting. Be aware of what the guest is ordering and make sure he understands what he is getting. If a guest orders too much, and you are certain he can't handle that much food, advise him. He will appreciate
your concern and honesty.

Suggest appetizers while people are studying the menu. "How about some Snitzel Strips or sharing a Wurst Sampler," with your dinner this evening?" Suggest side orders with entrees. "Would you care for ..... Soup or a side salad with your ....... ?"

Always be persuasive and display complete confidence. Make suggestions so positively, that the guest wouldn't dream of questioning your recommendation.

Don't ask the guest a "yes or no" question. This requires him to make a decision. Remember, people come here to relax, not think. If youdisplay confidence and complete product knowledge, the guest will trust your judgment and allow you to take care of him. To sell effectively, you must sometimes bring a need or desire to try something to the surface. Make sure you use the right type of language.
  • People like to buy, but hate to be SOLD!
  • For example
  1. "Would you like some wine tonight?"
  2. If the guest responds, "No," your suggestion is over before it got started.
  3. "Would you care for a bottle of wine with your dinner tonight? A bottle of Merlot would compliment your Cordon Bleu."
  4. With this approach, you have exhibited your knowledge and confidence of food and wine by suggesting a specific bottle of wine. The guest has now developed confidence in you. This will greatly enhance your opportunity to make this sale and make other recommendations.
  5. Not every guest is going to buy a bottle of wine, appetizer, or dessert.
  6. But you must remember, we know two facts about every customer.
  • Every Customer
  1. Is planning to spend money.
  2. Wants to have a good time and enjoy their meal.
  3. If you keep these two facts in mind, you will be amazed at how easy it is to sell, providing, of course, you possess the necessary knowledge and confidence.
  • Through suggestive selling you can
  1. Increase check totals. The higher the check, the better your chances of a good gratuity.
  2. Expose the customer to a new and different product he may not have tried, if you had not recommended it. Thus, the evening is more enjoyable and he may return with friends and has more reasons to tell others about the Restaurant.

Suggestive selling and making personal recommendations is another aspect of good service. Eventually, it will come easily as you build your self-confidence.

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