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Great_Customer_Service_reviews Simple Ways to get Great Reviews from all of your Customers

By Rania Eldekki (575 words)
Posted in Brand Reputation Management on February 21, 2011

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Reviews are a necessary component in the growth of every small business. Your potential customers will be doing their homework and finding out as much as they can about your company, through your website, social media accounts- and word of mouth. What other people have to say about your business is extremely important, but a lot of times, generating those reviews is the hard part. 

Below you will find a few simple ways to encourage users to leave reviews for you:

  1. Offer Incentives. There are many different ways to go about offering incentives to customers for leaving reviews. Your company could launch a "Reviewer of the Week" campaign, where reviewers are chosen at random to win cash, merchandise, concert tickets, gift cards and more. Depending on how large your company is and how many reviews you think you'd get, you could also send a gift bag to every person (or every 10th, 100th or 500th person) that leaves you a review online. Offering incentives is an amazing way to receive quick results (reviews!). 

  2. Go above and beyond- and then go beyond that. Zappos, known for their amazing customer service and hassle (παρενόχληση) free order system, goes above and beyond in every single transaction. They are known to place gifts, samples, and other unique items in random orders throughout the year, which makes ordering exciting for Zappos customers. Additionally, Zappos also features their own "fan of the week" on facebook, and gives members an extra special something for their birthday, making this already "above and beyond" service company, even better than imaginable.

  3. Pay them for it! It takes time and effort to write a review, but we all know that when a client is unhappy, they will spread the word like you could not imagine- we only wish this held true for satisfied customers. There are ways around this common trend, however. Nationwide Windows, for example, is a company that specializes in replacement windows, doors, roofing and siding. Once a job is finished, they receive letters commending them for their excellent service, but most people don't flock to the Internet to write a review, so the letters stay inaccessible to the general public. In an effort to get more satisfied customers sharing their reviews online, Nationwide is offering $50 to every Nationwide customer that writes a Google review for them, solving this common problem in a simple way that makes everyone happy!

  4. Just ask them! Sometimes the most effective method is also the simplest. Clients don't always understand how important good reviews can be to the growth of a businesses. It's your job to ensure that they know you want a good review, and it's also your job to make it simple for them to do so.   

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